Past Trip Reports

TripReport – Phu Ta Boek, Thailand

This is a trip/site report for Phu Ta Boek, by Ivan Chang


Stunning XC site standing at 1.7km high, with easy take off n landing site. However Since LZ is about 6km away, it is not recommended for beginner pilots as one might need to boom out safely if too much height is lost.

Other Details

Flying site:

Site is flyable from December till January (I think). With long ridge line of 20km running northwards, offering easy ridge thermal soaring option. However this route is scarcely populated making retrieval very difficult. A more popular option is to do flatland XC (about 25km) to Lom Sak (city in south east).

XC landing n retrieval:

There are numerous dry paddy fields in flat land offering easy landing spot. Locals are usually very helpful and willing to offer you a ride. From mountain foot to TO, it usually takes about 40mins and a token of tip (say 100baht) is appreciated.

Getting there and away:

PTB is accessible from Petchabun. However, there’s no direct transport to petchabun. So easiest option is to take domestic flight to Phitsanulok n either rent a car (about 1k baht per day or flag a taxi (B2k for one way). One can also take a bus from mo chit station to petchabun.


Comparing to towns in foot of mountain, there are more activities in TO (shops, eateries) and it’s recommended to stay in TO. One can choose to pitch a tent or rent a chalet (steep at B1.5k but it’s right behind TO. One needs to book well in advance. Public bath with hot water is available in TO.

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